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Awakening Mircales

Public·31 members

Messages for Friday, October 13, 2023- Today is a period known as dark of the moon, (the period of time before a new moon) which is about releasing and letting go, a time of going within to reflect and heal any old emotional negative patterns, addictions or negative energies on a subconscious level.

❤️”My power is born in the majesty of silence.” Take time for yourself to go within and connect with your inner peace, connect with Spirit through prayer, meditation or whatever way works for you. Surrender what is no longer serving you, honor and acknowledge all the emotions you are feeling, honor your truth and make decisions from truth and love, this helps you feel more at peace with yourself.

💚Take time to do self care and self nurturing and set healthy boundaries. The more you can take care of yourself, the more you will be able to be of service to others. Make yourself a priority and eliminate unnecessary distractions, this demonstrates self respect as you continue to strengthen your relationship with Spirit and the angelic realm. Love & blessings, Christine 🕊😊🙏🏻❤️💚🌹🌈☮️

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