This weekend, the crowning thought is all about Integrity. Spirit invites us to be impeccable with our thoughts, actions, deeds, and words. It’s a call to embody more of the truth of who we are in each interaction and moment, encouraging us to be fully present in the now.
The supporting energy we are working with comes first from Dragon’s Lair. This energy serves as a reminder that we have an internal compass and warning system—our feelings. Spirit asks us to check in with our emotions this weekend. Are you feeling aligned (happy, content, joyful, grateful), or are you feeling misaligned (fearful, judgmental, angry)? By becoming more aware of our intuition and alignment, we can better navigate our inner and outer worlds.
As we deepen our awareness, Spirit also invites us to reflect on our actions and deeds with The Spirit of a Place. This energy is an invitation to examine the overarching themes in our lives. Are you aligning with what you truly desire, or are you still stuck in the same old stories? For example, you might desire more freedom but remain so focused on control that you can't relax. You tell yourself everything must be perfect or under control to feel at ease, but in doing so, you create more anxiety and block yourself from experiencing the freedom you seek.
Finally, this leads us to the energy of Wide Open. Spirit assures us that this weekend will be filled with opportunities of all kinds. We have the chance to align with what we desire or to continue choosing what we’ve experienced before—patterns and energies we already know don’t serve us. The choice is ours: will we choose alignment, presence, and freedom, or will we cling to control and old narratives?
This weekend also aligns with a significant astrological event—a nodal shift. This shift represents a change in collective focus and lessons. As the nodes move, they guide us to release old karmic patterns and embrace the qualities needed for our growth. Use this weekend to reflect on where you are being invited to release control, step into trust, and align with your highest truth.