Messages for Friday, April 19, 2024- The messages from Spirit ask us to reflect on where we need to tend to unfinished business, this could be in relation to letting go of relationships and situations that no longer serve us. We may feel like we are in between two worlds, wanting the new but still dealing with loss, anxiety, fear and apprehension from the old, not sure which direction to go. Be patient, kind and gentle with yourself, it’s a process and you make the decisions in that process when you feel ready. Be an active participant in your healing process. Ground your energy and stay centered so you can stay focused on what you would like to change, create or manifest into your life.
❤️The Dragonfly symbolizes your personal and spiritual transformation getting ready to emerge into the next cycle of your life path. This will bring up all kinds of emotions and feelings, acknowledge them. Remember only love is real and “let go of any illusions of being less than who you are.” As you let go and allow unconditional love, compassion and healing from Spirit and your angelic team; your perception of yourself will change and will be based more in truth and love instead of fear and illusions.
❤️King of Pentacles- This is a good time to make practical decisions based in truth, be logical, this also can lead to adding more structure in your life which will aid in strategizing your next move or which plan or direction do you wish to pursue. Ask Spirit for whatever you need and be open to receiving love and assistance in all forms; allow Spirit to lead and guide you on your next moves, have faith and trust in yourself that all will unfold in Divine timing. Be patient, stay the course, there is no need to rush or force anything, take one step at a time. Love & Blessings, Christine. 🕊😊🙏🏻❤️💚🌹🌈☮️
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Messages for Friday, April 19, 2024- The messages from Spirit ask us to reflect on where we need to tend to unfinished business, this could be in relation to letting go of relationships and situations that no longer serve us. We may feel like we are in between two worlds, wanting the new but still dealing with loss, anxiety, fear and apprehension from the old, not sure which direction to go. Be patient, kind and gentle with yourself, it’s a process and you make the decisions in that process when you feel ready. Be an active participant in your healing process. Ground your energy and stay centered so you can stay focused on what you would like to change, create or manifest into your life.
❤️The Dragonfly symbolizes your personal and spiritual transformation getting ready to emerge into the next cycle of your life path. This will bring up all kinds of emotions and feelings, acknowledge them. Remember only love is real and “let go of any illusions of being less than who you are.” As you let go and allow unconditional love, compassion and healing from Spirit and your angelic team; your perception of yourself will change and will be based more in truth and love instead of fear and illusions.
❤️King of Pentacles- This is a good time to make practical decisions based in truth, be logical, this also can lead to adding more structure in your life which will aid in strategizing your next move or which plan or direction do you wish to pursue. Ask Spirit for whatever you need and be open to receiving love and assistance in all forms; allow Spirit to lead and guide you on your next moves, have faith and trust in yourself that all will unfold in Divine timing. Be patient, stay the course, there is no need to rush or force anything, take one step at a time. Love & Blessings, Christine. 🕊😊🙏🏻❤️💚🌹🌈☮️