Ron Schaefer
Miracle Mindset Coach
Are you willing to change your Mindset and experience a Miracle?
Service Description
Did you know… A miracle is simply a SHIFT within your consciousness from fear to Love. And when that shift happens, it changes everything. Whether you’re talking about finances, or your love life, or your health -- it all boils down to the right mindset. A mindset of abundance creates outcomes of abundance. On the other hand, a mindset of scarcity and fear is like a vicious cycle that keeps you in a broken, unsatisfied experience of reality… Here’s what’s REALLY interesting… Everything that happens in our life is our own creation. The good days, and yes, the bad days too! Every attitude, every situation, every event in our lives is something we co-create for better or worse. So WHY NOT use our creative ability to make the most incredible experience for ourselves as possible? Then our cup is overflowing and we can make a positive impact on our friends and family, too! An abundance mindset is like a stone thrown into the water. The ripples continue expanding outward to the people we’re around, to our family, to our co-workers -- and even to strangers, we pass by through the day. This is what it means to SHINE YOUR LIGHT!! You were born with the best technology in the world: LOVE! All you’ve got to do is activate it with a process I learned through A Course In Miracles. Mostly, it’s about removing the fear consciousness and letting your BRILLIANCE flow naturally… And the key that opens this door is Forgiveness. The power that helps us shift from fear-consciousness to the pure magic of LOVE and abundance consciousness is forgiveness. If you’re ready for a whole new level of Joy and bliss in your life, it would be my honor and privilege to facilitate a powerful, life-changing forgiveness process for you through an online workshop. It’s a SIMPLE process that can radically improve your quality of life. Let’s shine our Lights together and make the world a better place… Let’s CREATE MIRACLES!! Let’s break up with fear, and step into the greatness and PURPOSE each of us was born for… The time for FORGIVENESS is here! Your friend and mentor, Ron Schaefer
Contact Details
Indianapolis, IN, USA