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Awakening Mircales

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Happy Halloween 🎃 or Samhain 🧹today we have two messages from spirit our first one comes from the post as from spirit

Dear You,

There is a balance between activity and rest, ebb and flow.

You can't have one without the other. If you are faced with an obstacle right now, the best course is surrender and nonresistance. Soon enough, you'll see how easy it is to flow around it.

Now is one of those times when you must trust the river of your life. Go with the flow, and in no time you'll reach what you have your heart and hopes set on. Just remember Spirit will keep your head above water and will direct the currents. When it's time for a greater effort, you'll know exactly when you'll need to work those manifesting muscles! It can be challenging to master the flow cycles of your life, but as…

today the universe invites us to trust that everything is exactly as it needs to be? Even if appearances suggest the chaos rules! Sometimes it can be a challenge to remain calm and centered in the midst of conflict or stressful situations, but you are guided in these instances to look within. Focus on attaining harmony and peace within and you’ll find this will gently influence your external reality.

our affirmation for today in times of stress or conflict, I focus on creating a space of calm and harmony within. My inner world creates my reality. I asked the universe for help to guide me and enlighten me so that I may master my thoughts and emotions. I am peaceful.

Questions to ask yourself where am I still attempting to control? Why might I be afraid to invite more peace into my life?

Today for our thoughtful Thursday, we have two cards.

Our first energy take the weight of the world off of your shoulders is a reminder from the universe that you don’t need to solve every issue or find an answer to every problem. In fact, by being overly controlling. You are preventing the support of the universe from entering your energy field. So, relax. Surrender the weight of the world. Make space for the universe to support you. It knows how much you care, and by taking a step back, you are creating room for the miracles you need and the miracles you deserve. When you let go, you let the universe lead the way.

Our first affirmation is, I surrender and make way for miracles

Questions we can ask ourselves: where am I still trying to make my plan work? Where am I still trying to manipulate the…

Shirley Ryan
Oct 17, 2024

Thank You Thank You Thank You 🙏🏻💜

Dearest You,

Going the extra mile to achieve your dreams, and putting in some overtime, will reap big rewards. Now is the time for you to act, to stir up some energy and put those plans into action.

There are many windows of opportunity that open but close quickly when you don't take the risk and "go for it." Today, be confident that your hard work will pay off and you'll feel that satisfaction and fulfillment of reaching your desired outcome.

It might turn out even better than you expected! Isn't that amazing? Remember, however much work you're willing to put in, we will match it tenfold on our end. Everyone over here is rooting for you to win the game of life. So just do it!

Loving you so, so much!

An intuitive note: This message is not asking you to do more but instead it is asking you…

Today the universe wants us to allow a child like wonder and joy to fill our entire being. Child like wonder does not mean you act childish but instead allow yourself the ability to be excited about what is the come. Consider when you were a child told you were going to the zoo for the first time you didn’t necessarily understand what the zoo was you were simply excited for the experience. Find ways to experience joy in every moment. Even when doing the most mundane, boring, or gritty tasks, look for ways to feel genuine happiness. If you have trouble finding pleasure in certain situations, start small, and eventually you will so. To feel joyful is a gift. It is our essential nature. It rejuvenates us and heals the world.

Ask yourself what gives me the greatest pleasure? Am I willing to let go of what I think…

Our vibe for today is, I am willing to face my own shadow.

What does this mean to face our own shadow to face? Our own shadow is an invitation from Spirit to look at the old stories thoughts beliefs, ideas that are keeping you small keeping you scared keeping you stuck in place keeping you in situations that you don’t want to be in and looking at them and asking yourself if these thoughts, beliefs ideas are still valuable to you.

Spirit cannot take from you what you are not willing to give spirit cannot violate the law of free will. It can only heal when you that healing and the way that healing is not to fight our shadows, but instead to acknowledge them and acknowledge that they no longer are valuable to us That they no longer serve purpose then we can give them to spirit and…

Today's not full Thursday card is starting fresh. The starting fresh card gives us this wonderful invitation to remember that every moment is an opportunity to start again to choose again.

Maybe we started off the morning and not so good of a mood, and the beautiful thing is the moment that we are aware of it is the moment that we can change it. We can choose our emotions we can choose our thoughts. We can choose where our awareness goes at any point in time.

Today let's ask ourselves if my life truly started fresh would I make the same decisions? Am I ready to let go and begin a new? What is blocking me from doing so?

Today's thoughtful Thursday card.

The universe wants you to know today is yesterday’s future, and in every moment you are creating your future. If you are patiently, waiting for the future to bring you, joy and contentment, your desired outcome may never arrive. But if you learn to create happiness. Now, your days will be filled with pleasure and bliss. It’s great to have a dream; however, if you don’t learn to find satisfaction in the meantime, you may not notice when your dreams come true. The purpose of life is not about manifesting your desires – it’s about discovering your inner gifts of your heart, and who you truly are Experiencing joy and sharing it. Be happy now. Enjoy the journey as much as the destination.

Ask yourself: what is my moment showing me? If I’m not satisfied with what is in this moment what action steps can I…

Today the universe wants you to know if you're facing a decision and your ego mind is fighting with itself follow The path that feels peaceful and compelling. Take three deep breaths, put your hand over your heart. Ask yourself the question and then say my heart says, and let the first thing that comes to your mind the first feeling, emotion vision, whatever it may be begin to guide you towards spirits divine direction.

Ask yourself today what or whom? Do I need to listen to? What have I been listening to recently? And is it serving me? Is there an area of my life in which I need to listen to love rather than to my ego? If I was aware of a secret message from Spirit right now, what would it be?

Messages for Thursday, October 5, 2023- The messages from Spirit ask us to take time for ourselves, go within and confront any issues we have with our shadow side. Take a step back, observe and see things from the eyes of love, not fear. Admit the truth to yourself and act accordingly, be honest with yourself, and communicate your truth from love as this will help to resolve any misunderstandings or miscommunications. Ground your energy and nurture yourself through self love and self care, creative self expression assists in healing your inner child, prayer and meditation will align you back with your authentic self so you can see things with truth and clarity.

💚What are you denying yourself that is causing self sabotage? It’s time to confront your shadow side, those parts of you that you do not like including your fears, and also represents facing issues of low self esteem, worthiness issues and old emotional negative patterns and wound from your inner child as well.

💚You are not your past, you are always worthy and deserving of love, abundance and prosperity in all forms. Introspection and clarity are important, feelings that have been dormant are now coming to the surface and need to be addressed so you can move forward.

❤️ Be true to yourself, speak your truth from love, maintain integrity, be accountable and responsible for your actions. See the light within yourself to bring truth and clarity so issues that need addressed will come to the surface for healing so we can reclaim our personal power and freedom. You always have a choice at any given moment, choose love over fear. Love & Blessings, Christine 😊🙏🏻🕊❤️💚🌹🌈☮️

Today, the universe wants you to know what is expected tends to be realized. Expect miracles in your life. Celebrate and cherish them when they appear, no matter how small they may seem. Let go of the fear and expectations; allow the creator to solve your challenges in mysterious and wonders ways. Don't limit the way in which you think miracles can appear in your life. Know that you can be the miracle in the life of another.

Ask yourself, how can I be even more open to miracles blossoming in my life? What are the miracles that are occurring now and are coming in the future? How am I a miracle for others?

Today, the universe wants you to know: you need to share from the depths of your soul. Allow others to see your essence and feel your radiance. If you give with the thought that it's some thing you must do as a duty or sacrifice you may feel depleted. However, if you give with the belief that there's no scarcity of energy, funds or joy, the universe will pour in abundance of these things into your life. Don't expect to receive some thing in return rather be generous just because it feels good. It feels right. You can only give as much of your capacity to receive, so open yourself to receiving even more.

Ask yourself how can I give even more? What is stopping the flow within my life? What could occur in my life if I gave without reservation?

Today for Thoughtful Thursday, we go to Sonia Choquette's the answer is simple.

Our card for today is number 44 stick with it.

As you wake up your spirit, and begin to live in the higher frequency of love, the ego becomes confused and wants to resist. There's new energy dips, places the egos power, and renders it important, so it tries to reverse or arrest the changes. Be aware of your ego resistance and stay true to your spirit anyway. Ignore inner ego dialogue that suggests you're wasting your time, and thus tries to discourage your efforts.

Changing your vibration to a higher level and being able to consistently hold, it takes practice, patience, and discipline. Stick with your determination to live your spirit. Remain faithful to what you love, and what you believe in, and white reflects your authentic self. Although you may not see instant results, you…

Today the universe asks you to ask yourself what is my true pathway to love? How can I open myself to love even more? What is blocking me from welcoming love?

Today's thoughtful Thursday message is brought to you by postcards from spirit.

Today's messages, dearest you, there are times you get lost, but refused to see your part in things. Happens to everyone. Something feels familiar, but sort of off. If you're feeling, confused, it's best to throw away the math you're using, which only lets you navigate based on past experience. That isn't what you need right now. Instead, take a deep breath and open to the truth. A desire to stay in denial means that part of you doesn't want to be responsible for the pattern that's shown up in your life. Yes, that is the right time to wake up and start again. By the way, you will always get another chance – you have unlimited chances to start again! We love you so much. We really do. Be gentle with yourself. Coming out of denial it's…